You put a lot of work in setting up your profiles on social media sites, making sure that you include all the relevant information, contact numbers, email address, great looking photo, update it regularly and then – Nothing!
It’s called Social Media, but sometimes the people who use social media are not social at all.
The more you network or meet people on the web, the more followers you will generate.
You have just entered the biggest conference or social event in the world and if you stand in the corner and do nothing, that is what you will get out of all of your efforts.
I only update or post when I have something to say that is relevant to you, my readers.
You are not stalking other users, they are there to network just like you and get information from like minded people on all kinds of interests and passions.
Start conversations with them, invite them to connect with you and network.
One of the things that I notice when I talk to people, is they can talk passionately about the subject that is closest to them when they are face to face, but as soon as they get in front of a computer, they become totally different people.
Twitter, Facebook, Blogs are all big social events and you need to get out and create traffic by inviting and following other users.
That’s because you need to introduce yourself & work the room.
This way you will start to build a following and this in turn creates more followers, as like minded social media users will find you and your sites.
Update often, but make your updates relevant, don’t waste their time when they start to follow you, for instance, I made a decision when I started writing for my blog, not to include gossip or criticise other portals when I post, my blogs have always been there to provide you with helpful and useful information on social media and internet marketing, and I’ve stuck to that theme.
This social media networking applies to all your on line activities, they way you write, structure your content etc, all impacts on the way your content will be viewed on social media sites.
So get out there, meet and network these social media users, introduce yourself and create conversations.
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