Just Starting out on Twitter – How to Create Your Tweet Plan
By mike, Oct 05 in blog with 0 commentsMost of know by now that Twitter is the flavour of the year, and a lot of you will be starting to use Twitter for the very first time, and using it correctly to build your following, to get your followers to go where you want them to and to get buy in from them is not easy,even though there’s lot of people using the micro blogging service, you still need to have a plan to get the most out of the site. For those of you who have been using Twitter for awhile, this article will also help you get more response for all your efforts.
To be successful using Twitter you need to offer value to those following you, and you need to create what I call the “Trusted Adviser” role for yourself, once you have created this role and others see your expertise on a subject, they will follow you to get information and advice, but first you need to work very hard to create this persona.
Creating your Tweet plan and then following the strategy you have set up for yourself, will help you keep you focused. Just posting tweets about your product or listing is not engaging your followers nor is it creating value, it is just plain boring.
Setting out to become a trusted adviser means you need to listen,respond, broadcast and build your community, that’s what your followers are, your community, and you need to offer value in what you do to get engagement from them.
Creating a topic list is a good place to start, define your area of expertise and start to build that trust.
Some of the topics you could include if you are just starting out would be:
1. Your Expertise
2. What are your passions
3. Stats in your market – Good for those in real estate
4. Share your interests
5. Tweet what you are doing
6. Updates on your listings – real estate again
7. Share links and helpful information
So now you’ve worked on your list of topics, it’s time to create your tweet plan:
1. Make a list of topics
2. Identify your resources – sites to turn to, to get information
3. Schedule drips – spread your tweets out throughout the day
4. Be spontaneous
5. Follow other twitters of like minded interests and retweet information
Once you have your tweet plan worked out, you then need to set up your Twitter profile:
1. Create your Twitter background and personalise your profile
2. Complete your profile – serious followers always check out your profile before a follow.
3. Use monitoring and measuring tools to check your tweets – Use URL shorteners such as Bit.ly/Cli.gs/Hootsuite
4. Add video to your tweets by using Bubbletweet.com
5. Use Tweetlater.com to add an auto welcome message for new followers
I hope that you find the above information helpful, particularly if you are just starting out with Twitter, and by using the tools I’ve suggested, it will give you the basics to start building your following and help you create the trusted adviser role.
Some helpful Twitter tools you can use to start building your Tweet plan:
1. Tweetdeck.com
2. Topify.com – Uses email notification for new followers
3. Hootsuite.com
4. Tweetlater.com
5. Tweetmeme.com – Search and retweet the hottest stories on Twitter.
Good luck if you are just starting out with Twitter and most of all, just have fun.
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