In Australia, Men Watch Twice the Amount of Online Video as Women
By mike, Dec 10 in blog with 0 commentsAustralians Watched Nearly 3 Hours of Online Video per Viewer at YouTube.com in October
comScore, Inc, a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its October 2010 rankings of the top video properties in Australia based on data from its comScore Video Metrix service. The report found that nearly 80 percent of Australia’s Internet population viewed video online in October, with an average viewer watching nearly 8 hours of video during the month. The report also revealed that male online video viewers in Australia spend nearly double the amount of time viewing video compared to women.
“Online video has become an important part of how Australians consume content on the Web,” said Amy Weinberger, comScore vice president for Australia and New Zealand. “Understanding the demographic characteristics of online video viewers and how they engage with content is vital information for advertisers and publishers seeking to capitalize on this platform.”
Google Sites Account for More than Half of Online Video Market
In October, Internet users in Australia watched a total of 961 million online videos, with Google Sites ranking as the top video property with 503 million videos viewed, representing 52.4 percent market share. YouTube.com accounted for more than 99 percent of all videos viewed at the Google property. Microsoft Sites ranked second with 33.2 million videos (3.5 percent market share), followed by Facebook.com with 13.5 million videos viewed (1.4 percent market share).
*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video.
Average Viewer Watched Nearly 8 Hours of Online Video in October
In Australia, 10.3 million unique viewers consumed online video content during the month, averaging nearly 8 hours per viewer. Google Sites attracted the largest audience with 8.3 million video viewers, followed by Microsoft Sites with 3.2 million viewers and Facebook.com with 2.7 million viewers. Viewers at Google Sites averaged nearly 3 hours watching video, with viewership at Dailymotion.com (1.2 hours per viewer) and VEVO (42 minutes per viewer) also showing strong viewer engagement.
*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video.
Men Spend Double the Amount of Time Watching Online Video
A demographic analysis of video viewers in Australia revealed that although males and females comprise nearly an equal percentage of overall video viewers, males spend a significantly longer amount of time viewing online video than females. On average, males watched just over 10 hours of online video in October, while females averaged 5.2 hours. Males also consumed a higher number of videos on average at 113 videos per viewer, compared to females at 72 videos per viewer.
For both males and females, the 15-24 and 25-34 age segments were the most-engaged demographic groups. The 15-24 age segment for both genders was responsible for consuming the most videos on average (155 videos per viewer for males, 89 videos per viewer for females), while the 25-34 year-old segment spent the most time viewing video (nearly 13 hours for males, 6.8 hours for females).
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