Google Search was the leading US web search provider in January 2010, according to The Nielsen Company.
Google Search accounted for 66.3% of 10.27 billion total US web searches last month, or 6.8 billion. Yahoo Search came in second with a 14.5% search share, or 1.49 billion searches. MSN/Windows Live/Bing came in third with a 10.9% search share, or 1.12 billion searches.
No other US web search provider in the top 10 for January 2010 had a double-digit search share. AOL Search, the fourth-most-popular provider last month, had a 2.5% share and 251,762 searches.
Little Changes in January ‘10
The January top 10 US web search provider list is identical to the December 2009 list produced by Nielsen. In December 2009, Google Search had a 67.3% share and 6.7 billion searches out of a total 9.95 billion searches. Yahoo Search had a 14.4% share and 1.43 billion searches, and MSN/Windows Live/Bing had a 9.9% share and 986,247 searches.
comScore Data Shows Strong Bing Growth
The popularity of Bing is fueling rapid Microsoft growth as a search provider according to comScore, which tracks core searches using different metrics than Nielsen.
In January 2010, comScore qSearch data shows that Google Ssites led the core search market with a 65.7% share and 9.9 billion search queries. Yahoo Sites came in second with a 17% share and 2.54 billion search queries. Microsoft Sites came in third with 11.3% share and 1.8 billion search queries. Microsoft Sites’ total number of search queries grew 9% from 1.58 billion in December 2009. Broken out separately, Bing accounted for more than 1.5 billion of Microsoft Sites’ total January 2010 search queries, an 11% increase in query volume.

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