Mike Andrew’s Technology Podcast Series
Mike Andrew’s Technology and Internet Marketing Podcast series available for download here
What is Social Media E-Book

What Is Social Media - The E Book
Here you can download a free copy of Mike Andrew’s E-Book “What is Social Media”
I know what it can be like when you are just starting out with new technology and marketing tools like social media, just trying to understand the terminology can be very challenging, so that is why I’ve put together my E-Book called “What is Social Media”.
Mike Andrew’s “Social Media & SEO for Small Business” Audio Series
REVEALED: International Social Media Coach exposes coveted success secrets…
I know your time is valuable, so I’ll get straight to the point: if you’ve ever wondered how to get better rankings for your web site and supercharge your success with social media marketing with minimal effort and less work than you’re doing now, then this audio series will change your life., not to mention your on line marketing efforts.
In just a few minutes each fortnight I’ll reveal some well-honed secrets and tips that I employ to: create a hugely profitable business from my on line web sites, tap into and maximise social media networks and create an impressive online CV via Google and social media.
I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. I live this dream every day and now, you can too…
To subscribe to Mike’s fortnightly audio series, click here…..
Social Media Action Planner Template
Download copies of the social media action plan template by clicking HERE for the completed example and HERE for the blank template.
Sample Social Media Policy Document
Protecting your on line reputation and your business is essential if you are looking at a social media strategy. I’ve included a sample policy document that you can use as the foundation for your business policy. Advising your staff on procedures and policies as well as setting the rules on social media usage is vital for all business today.
If you would like a personalised version of this document for your business, all you need do is send me an email at, I will forward you a list of questions, you provide the answers and return to me, I will forward you a word document which you can add your branding too and make available to all your new and existing staff.
Please note: This is not a legal document, it is a guide to protecting your business on line and should not be used in place of good sound legal advice.
Download the sample PDF document here
Articles and Publications for Download
On this page you’ll find a selection of articles written by Mike Andrew and published on the web. You are free to download and republish these articles on your web site or blog, please provide a link back to us at Mike Andrew Consulting if you do republish the articles.
Topics covered in these articles range from SEO techniques, Internet marketing advice and social media tips and strategy for business.
Click on this link to view all articles available for download