Interesting debate at the 2009 National radio conference about the future of digital radio, with comments from Domenic Carosa, the chief executive of digital investment and consulting firm Dominet about digital radio and its relevence in the Australian market.
According to Domenic, “Digital radio is a “a waste of time” and radio executives are “flogging a dead horse” when it comes to the new technology, in my view it’s a complete waste of time,” Mr Carosa said during Friday’s session entitled “Is Radio Dying?”
With digital radio sets costing between $150 to $999 would you go out and buy a new radio just to get a few additional features? or are you like me and just use it for 15 minutes in the morning to wake up, then shut it off and watch morning television.
The chest pounders at DMG, who have a vested interest in making this foray into digital radio work, have dismissed his comments and have used a UK study which show digital radio with a 36% penetration in the market, in just a couple of years,but is that a fair comparison?, when UK radio has been very ordinary for years and British television no better.
Is this another “AM stereo” stunt, to try and resurrect a dying industry and one that is quickly becoming irrelevant to music listeners of the future. My 15 year old daughter would listen to radio for all of 15 minutes a week, and that’s the time it takes to drive her to school.
I love this comment from Jeremy MacVean, Austereos head of digital strategy “It involves being in a community and they get some sort of social connection,” he said..
I guess the concept of networking and removing radio stations live programs in rural markets and broadcasting from hubs is being involved in the local community.
I for one would not go out and pay for a digital radio because I still have my AM stereo radio set gathering dust in my garage, and when I can download and listen to the music that I like, listen to internet radio stations that broadcast my favourite music for free without all the endless chatter and mindless stupidity that comes from most of the radio personalities on air today. . No I have a feeling that digital radio will end up just like AM Stereo!!!
Mike Andrew is an ex radio announcer, music programmer and media executive with over 27 years of broadcast media experience.
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