Tweet Mobile usage of the Twitter social network has increased more than 60% in the past five months, according to data from Twitter. Mobile Twitter Usage Grows The total number of mobile Twitter users grew 62% between April and September 2010, according to statistics compiled by Twitter. In addition, since that time, the number of [&hellip
Tweet More than a quarter of web users 65 and up now visiting social networks Older web users are flocking to social networks, according to a May 2010 Pew Internet & American Life Project survey. Usage among internet users ages 50 and older nearly doubled during the past year, from 22% to 42%. More specifically, [&hellip
Tweet US adults 50 and older have increased their social networking use from 22% to 42% in the past year, according to data from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Half of Adults 50-64 Use SocNets Half (47%) of internet users ages 50-64 and one in four (26%) users age 65 and older now [&hellip
Tweet In the UK, 24% of iPad owners say it’s their primary entertainment device With iPads now in the hands of millions, studies have begun to examine how the superhyped tablet is fitting into real life, and whether the opportunity for publishers and advertisers is as big as they hoped. Qualitative research from Ball State [&hellip
Tweet A growing audience of experienced, less-easily shocked, outspoken consumers appreciate brands that are a little bit more daring and outspoken, according to consumer insights firm trendwatching.com. The Rise of ‘Maturialism’ trendwatching.com has dubbed this growing consumer trend “Maturialism.” According to trendwatching.com, consumers of today no longer tolerate being treated like yesteryear’s easily shocked, inexperienced, [&hellip