Tweet A higher percentage of US adults owns a mobile phone than owns a computer, according to new data from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Cell Phones, Computers Top Gadgets Pew data indicates that 85% of Americans now own a cell phone. Cell phone ownership rates among young adults have reached [&hellip
Tweet US internet titan Google is readying its own ‘Google Price Index’ based on a vast database of online purchases, providing a daily measure of inflation, said a top company official quoted in the Financial Times. Google has not yet decided whether it will publish the index (GPI), which is still in development, the group’s [&hellip
Tweet Only 18- to 24-year-olds use the social networking site more than email for passing items on Content-sharing has become a staple of internet usage for most online adults. Research from Chadwick Martin Bailey found that three-quarters of web users are likely to share content with friends and family, and nearly half do so at [&hellip
Tweet No one can be faulted for thinking that the size of someone’s Facebook friends list is a proxy for that person’s level of influence. After all, people who are influential are often also popular, and in a Facebook and Twitter world popularity is measured in friends and followers. But a new report from Vocus [&hellip
Tweet US mobile users do the most social networking, European mobile users text the most, and Japanese mobile users are the most connected, according to new comScore MobiLens data. US Leads in Mobile Social Networking, IM A comScore cross-market analysis of mobile activities in the US, Europe and Japan revealed significant differences among consumers by [&hellip