Tweet Many small firms still hold back from social media marketing efforts According to the American Express OPEN fall 2010 “Small Business Monitor,” small-business owners have dramatically upped their usage of social media for marketing in the past year. While just one in 10 business owners reported using social networking for marketing last year, 39% [&hellip
Tweet Consumers of traditional media sources such as print and TV tend to be older than online media consumers, according to results of a new 24/7 Wall St./Harris Poll conducted by Harris Interactive. 55-plus See Most Need for Traditional Media Overall, 81% of survey respondents said although printed news will continue to decline, there will [&hellip
Tweet Social media is not making users less social, despite popular contrary opinion, according to a new white paper from ExactTarget and CoTweet. Increased SocNet Use Leads to Increased Face-to-Face Interaction “Social Mythbusting” research shows that individuals who are becoming more active on Facebook and Twitter are also interacting with friends in “real” (not virtual) [&hellip
Tweet Don’t for a second believe that the Reserve Bank automatically will keep interest rates on hold next Tuesday. Trigger-happy screen jockeys yesterday may have raced to their terminals to sell the dollar and push money markets around after the release of lower-than-expected inflation figures. Unfortunately, they overlooked one crucial element. Those figures released by [&hellip
Tweet This morning I received an email from a company suggesting I try out their new WordPress plugin on my blogs, the email stating that by adding this plugin to my blogs I will generate 100’s of backlinks, the plugin by the way is called Blog Press SEO, now having done this for some time, [&hellip