Social Networking Accounts for 1 of Every 5 Minutes Spent Online in Australia
By mike, Feb 19 in blog with 0 commentsTweet comScore, today released The State of the Internet in Australia, which looks at the latest trends in digital consumer behavior in the market. The findings of the report were also recently presented at a comScore-hosted industry event in Sydney. Among the report’s key findings was that Social Networking now accounts for the largest amount [&hellip
Tweet Social media has put power in the hands of the consumer, giving everyone a publishing platform to push out their thoughts and feelings to the world at large. This has given great power to word-of-mouth, typically considered the most trustworthy form of marketing. But social behavior is changing as it matures. The GlobalWebIndex “Annual [&hellip
Tweet Social networking category leader Facebook continued its momentum as it amassed millions of new users and people spent more and more of their time on the site, according to a new white paper from comScore. “The 2010 US Digital Year in Review” indicates that Facebook accounted for 10% of US page views in 2010, [&hellip
Tweet Access to mobile devices and broadband have made the average consumer more connected to the internet than ever and new cloud computing-based online storage models have become real options for the mass market, according to a new study from Deloitte. Data from “State of the Media Democracy” indicates that most Americans own a device [&hellip
Tweet Apple is developing a new line of smaller, cheaper iPhones and overhauling its software to facilitate users’ access to entertainment, photos and video. The new device — code-named ‘N97’ — will be about half the size of the iPhone4 and cost about half as much as Apple’s main line of iPhones, the Wall Street [&hellip