Tweet Clients and agencies also disagree about their success at measuring ROI There’s no question that the vast majority of marketers are shifting more spending to digital, and a combination of tried-and-true tactics with newer online options will benefit from increasing budgets. But advertisers and their agencies are not yet on the same page when [&hellip
Tweet Paid search ads tend to be overlooked Search has become a nearly ubiquitous online activity and Google remains the undisputed king—receiving the largest share of search ad revenue and traffic. But an eye-tracking study by user experience research firm User Centric adds a new perspective. Its research indicates that most search users overlook search [&hellip
Tweet WHEN Lloyd Borrett set up a website in the mid-1990s for a local computer company, he had to move overseas to find a suitable domain name – well before it was fashionable to do so. The restrictions on Australian domain names meant that he could not reserve expert.com.au for Expert, an IT business later [&hellip
Tweet When it comes to US consumer marketshare by operating system, Android (29%) appears to be pulling ahead of RIM Blackberry (27%) and Apple iOS (27%), according to new Nielsen Company analysis of January 2011 data. But an analysis by manufacturer shows RIM and Apple to be the winners compared to other device makers, [&hellip
Tweet After hours of debate, the National Broadband Network bill and relevant legislation have passed the lower house. They will now go to the Senate for consideration. Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese says it’s a historic step forward toward the NBN. Attempts by Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull to have the legislation amended have failed. Share [&hellip