Tweet Electronics and furniture retailer Harvey Norman will launch anonline store “within weeks,” signalling it will cease its public battle with the government over internet shopping, according to sources knowledgeable in the matter. The insiders confirmed a News Ltd report that Gerry Harvey, the retailer’s managing director, would soon unveil a "sizeable internet presence”. “My [&hellip
Tweet I’ve been wondering when Sensis would start to trim this old stalwart, now that the majority of people search for businesses on line. Research has been around for a long time indicating the decreasing number of people that actually use the traditional form of Yellow Pages, so it’s not a surprising they would scale [&hellip
Tweet Social media is the top online marketing channel for small businesses after company websites According to the American Express OPEN and Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) “Small Business Search Marketing Survey”, US small businesses recognize word-of-mouth as the top way their customers find them, followed by the internet and search engines. The reliance [&hellip
Tweet While Facebook.com trailed Google in unique US monthly audience during February 2011, the average Facebook user spent substantially more time on the site than any users of any other sites, according to new data from The Nielsen Company. Google had a unique audience of about 147.9 million, 13% more than Facebook’s unique audience of [&hellip
Tweet Site evolves into all-purpose web destination for messaging, video-sharing, gaming and more Facebook, the largest social network in the US as well as the world, has been adding members at a rapid clip for the past two years. While that growth will moderate now that the social network is reaching a saturation point among [&hellip